quick reply Thank you, I appreciate your quick reply. I love these plaque mounts and plan to send my pictures soon. Your site is definitely the most user friendly and your custom services are far beyond what is offered elsewhere.
Haji Khanoom, Portland | highly satisfied I have had several pieces done through Canada on Canvas, and was highly satisfied with each one! It will be a service I will use over and over again! Thank you so much. Highly appreciated and recommended too!!
Mena Kurten, Winnipeg | Excellent work... Excellent work, reasonable prices, quality shipping...what's not to like? :)
John Scott, Brandon | My custom sized wood panels came flawlessly and perfectly cut and assembled. And unlike others who will make custom wood panels online, USAOnCanvas guaranteed my panels would not be damaged in shipping — and if they were, they would take care of replacing them. Very happy with my order and I will be ordering more!
Jesse P., |